トップページ > 暮らし・手続き > 保険・年金 > 国民健康保険 > 来日したウクライナ避難民の方でも国民健康保険に加入できます Refugees from Ukraine are also eligible for enrolling National Health Insurance Program



来日したウクライナ避難民の方でも国民健康保険に加入できます Refugees from Ukraine are also eligible for enrolling National Health Insurance Program

国民健康保険とは National Health Insurance Program



(注意) 資格情報のお知らせだけでは診てもらうことができません。マイナンバーカードをあわせて提示してください。

National Health Insurance Program (NHI) is a system to ensure that you can receive medical care in case of illness or injury at ease.

You do the procedure for enrolling in NHI and will get a qualification confirmation slip or a general information of qualification information.

NHI will cover 70 percent of your medical expenses if you show your qualification confirmation slip or my number card(In case of which can’t be used with my number card, general information of qualification information)at the hospital counter when you receive medical treatment.

(attention)You can’t be seen at a medical facility with only the general information of qualification information.  Please present it together with my number card.

国民健康保険に加入するためには To enroll in NHI



  • 在留カード(注意1)
  • パスポート(注意2)

(注意1) 在留資格が「短期滞在」の場合は国民健康保険に加入できません。出入国在留管理庁へ「特定活動(1年)」の在留資格への変更許可申請を提出し許可が下りれば、国民健康保険に加入することができます。
(注意2) 在留資格が「特定活動」の場合には、指定書が必要となります。パスポートと一緒にお持ちください。

You need to register as residents of Chiyoda City to enroll in NHI. After you have completed this procedure, please come to our office with the documents below.


Health Welfare Dept. Insurance and Pension Division NHI Section

Chiyoda City Office 2F 1-2-1 Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo

Email hoken-nenkin@city.chiyoda.lg.jp

【Necessary documents】

  • Residence Card(Note1)
  • Passport(Note2)

You cannot enroll in NHI in case your status of residence is for ’short-term-stay’ for the temporary visitors.

(Note1) It is necessary to apply to change your present status of residence to “designated activities”, more than three months Visa to enroll in NHI. Please contact Immigration Bureau of Japan.
(Note2) those whose status of residence is for “designated activities” should bring designated documentation to enroll in NHI.



〒102-8688 東京都千代田区九段南1-2-1





